Real Estate Consulting Services...
Instant Call In Information Services, Call Capture
Services Boger Consulting, LLC works with companies who build a
variety of equipment and software to help you sell more residential and
commercial real estate without increasing the cost of doing so substantially.
Imagine having a service that provides you with instant leads that you can call
on regarding specific properties. Have prospects call in and hear up to date
listing descriptions, get financing quotes, insurance quotes and find out what
the taxes are on a property with a single call. The prospect can also request a
fax sheet to be sent to them with the property description. You can then show
the seller the activity which will make you look better than the competition who
has to rely on fliers stuffed in a "take one box" to know how much activity
there has been. And everyone knows that just because the fliers are all gone
doesn't mean that there was one flier taken by one prospect.
Consulting Services:
- Call In and Call Capture Services on a Property by Property basis.
- Conference On Demand
- Video Viewings on a Property by Property Basis
- Automated Call Distribution (ACD) Systems
- Telemarketing Systems
- Information Systems
- Web Development and Hosting Services
- For any other services please
contact us for more info.